The International Joint Laboratory aims at characterizing and studying the diversity of pathogens in food crops and biomonitoring such pathogens in relation with global change notably climate change. These activities enable it to develop the expertise and the diagnostic tools necessary to the fields of virology, bacteriology, mycology, nematology and entomology.
In partnership with Universities, we reinforce the training by research by welcoming students (Engineers, Master and PhD) from Burkina Faso and West Africa in general, on internship on our technical platforms.
In partnership with Universities, we offer training workshops for students and researchers, in the fields of phytopathology, pathogen detection, molecular epidemiology, resistance, resistance breakdown, bioinformatics. With INERA, training workshops for technicians, plant protection agents and farmers are conducted.
The PathoBios International Joint Laboratory, a Observatory of Plant pestand Disease in West Africa: Biodiversityand Biosafety, formalized the long-term partnership between INERA and Burkina Faso and IRD in France in the field of crop protection. It was created in 2013 for a period of 5 years renewed in 2019, with a broader partnership with universities in Burkina Faso, Nazi Boni University, Joseph Ki-Zerbo University as well as CIRAD in France and UCL in Belgium.
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Research carried out at Pathobios allow to better understand the factors determining the crop disease resistance breakdown, to describe the molecular mechanisms involved in the interactions between plants and pathogens and to reconstruct pathogen populations history of invasion.
Thanks to knowledge gathered on the pathogen populations and the mechanisms involved, new control strategies are developed and tested directly in the field in order to be quickly applied by the farmers.
Mentoring students and organizing trainings contribute to reinforce of local competences. Research can be conducted on platforms equipped for diagnosis, as well as the genetic and pathogenic characterization of bio-aggressors.
«The first period of the International Joint Laboratory PathoBios was a success: it was an opportunity for students from Burkina Faso and West Africa to be trained in research (Master, Thesis) and for professionals in the field of agriculture to be trained in phytopathology and disease diagnostic. »
« The assessment of the International Joint Laboratory, Phase 1 is excellent as it meets a key need in agriculture, which is to protect crops from devastating pests. »
« The International Joint Laboratory was successful thanks to its dynamism and perseverance in establishing sustainable operational experimental platforms in the two sites of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. »
« Le LMI a réussi à obtenir des résultats significatifs non seulement dans le domaine de la biotechnologie des protéines (vaccin anti-leishmanie, protéine insecticide), mais aussi dans le domaine du développement d’outils de diagnostics d’agents pathogènes (virus, bactéries, champignons). »
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